How Long Does It Take To Clean a Pool?

Owning a private pool is a dream for most people, but it’s also a huge responsibility. Regular cleaning is vital for a swimming pool, and many don’t even realize how long this task will take.

If you have a regular cleaning schedule, it can take one to four hours to clean a pool, depending on the pool size and how often it is used. However, the process could take three days or even longer if the pool is especially dirty, cloudy, or green. 

Improper pool cleaning and maintenance can lead to accidents and diseases. Read on to find out more about how much time it takes to properly clean a pool and various tips on cleaning a pool.

How Long Does It Take To Clean a Pool?

In addition to size, your pool’s condition greatly impacts how long you’ll have to spend cleaning it. It may only take an hour or two to clean a swimming pool that’s maintained weekly. But it might take up to four hours or longer to properly clean one that hasn’t been maintained for weeks or months.

That’s because without proper maintenance, your fun and inviting pool can become a breeding pit for harmful bacteria and parasites, which will take significantly longer to get rid of. 

This is also why weekly pool maintenance in the summer is easier and quicker than opening your pool after a long winter.

How Long To Hire Someone For, Once a Week?

Not everyone has the time to clean and maintain their swimming pools regularly. That’s alright; that’s what professional pool cleaners are for. 

Ideally, you should hire someone to clean your pools at least once a week, especially when it’s frequently used. Your pool should receive weekly cleaning even if it looks clean and clear. But never let it go without cleaning for more than a month. 

A lot goes into cleaning and maintaining a swimming pool. While some tasks can be done seasonally, others should be part of a weekly maintenance routine. So, some cleaning sessions may take longer than others. 

Here’s a list of things that should be part of a weekly pool maintenance routine:

  • Skimming and vacuuming the pool for debris
  • Emptying the pool’s skimmer basket
  • Brushing the pool wall
  • Testing the water’s pH level and adjusting it as necessary
  • Applying algaecide, chlorine, and other chemicals

And here are a few tasks that can be done monthly or seasonally instead:

  • Cleaning and backwashing the pool filter
  • Inspecting the tiles and walls for cracks
  • Cleaning any stain or discoloration on the pool surface

Looking at both lists, you can see that you might need to hire a cleaner for a few hours for weekly cleaning and maintenance. On the other hand, you should be prepared to pay for at least four hours of their time for seasonal maintenance schedules.

How Long After a Pool Is Cleaned Can You Go In?

Just like how you shouldn’t immediately shower after your bathroom is cleaned with bleach, you shouldn’t jump in right after the pool is cleaned, either.

Depending on the chemicals used to treat your pool, you should wait anywhere from 15 minutes to 24 hours before using the pool again. You need to give the chemicals enough time to be properly dispersed and dissolved.  

Here’s a general breakdown of different chemical treatments and how long you should wait before jumping into the pool again:

  • Chlorine shock treatment: 24 hours or until the chlorine levels are around 5 ppm
  • Chlorine level adjustment: At least 4 hours
  • Algaecide: 15 minutes, but always check the product’s instructions first
  • Alkaline solutions and pool clarifiers: At least 20 minutes
  • Muriatic acid: At least 30 minutes
  • Calcium chloride: 2 to 4 hours or after a full cycle through the filter.

How Long Does It Take for a Filter To Clean a Pool?

A filter typically takes around eight hours to clean a pool daily. This includes the time needed to filter, sanitize, and return the water. The pool chemicals will be evenly distributed by running the filter daily so the water stays clean and clear.

This estimate only applies to private pools that receive proper maintenance and are generally clear. You’ll need to run the filter longer to clean a dirty pool or fix chemical imbalances.

For example, pool owners must run their filters for up to 24 hours for a few days to fix a cloudy pool. Plus, you may need to run your filter for 12 to 24 hours for up to two weeks to completely clean a green pool with an algae overgrowth.

Is It Better To Run a Pool Pump at Night or Day?

It’s recommended to run a pool pump during the day when the sun is at its highest since sunlight can decompose chlorine and encourage algae growth. Running the pump will keep your pool water moving to prevent chemical imbalances and algae overgrowth. 

That said, running the pump during the day translates to higher energy consumption, which could increase your electric bill, especially since pool pumps need to run at least eight hours daily. 

Thankfully, pool pumps don’t need to run continuously. For example, you can run the pump for three hours in the afternoon and five hours later in the evening to avoid high consumption during peak hours.

Additionally, some conditions call for the pump to run at night. For instance, after shocking the pool, you should run the pump for 24 hours, starting in the evening when the pool isn’t in use.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, the time it takes to clean a swimming pool heavily depends on its size and condition. Regular cleaning takes around a couple of hours, but a deep clean may take up to four hours or even longer, especially after the pool has been closed during colder months. 

Because of all the added chemicals, it may take even longer before you can use your pool again. So, make sure to plan your pool maintenance schedule accordingly.

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