Can You Clean a TV With Windex?

Like any other electronic device, TVs require regular maintenance, and occasionally you’ll need to clean the screen. You might be wondering how to clean the screen without damaging it – so can you clean a TV with Windex?

You shouldn’t clean a TV with Windex. Windex, like many other chemical cleaners, contains abrasive chemicals that could potentially damage your TV. You should always clean your electronics using gentle cleaners and a soft microfiber cloth to remove dust and dirt. 

In this article, we’ll discuss why you shouldn’t consider cleaning your TV with Windex. We’ll also go through steps to safely clean your screen without damaging it and what products you should and shouldn’t use. 

Can You Clean a TV With Windex?

Televisions contain delicate electrical components that can easily get damaged if exposed to water and harsh chemicals. You’ll need to bear this in mind when cleaning it.

You can’t clean a TV with Windex. Windex is specially designed to be used on windows and therefore contains harmful chemicals such as ammonia that could easily damage electrical components. 

You should always use gentle cleaners on your TV, so never use window cleaners, bleach, or any other chemically-formulated product unless it was specifically designed for cleaning electronics. 

How Do You Clean a TV Screen Without Damaging It?

Removing dust and smudges from your television screen without damaging it is easier than you think. 

You can clean your TV screen without damaging it by using a dry microfiber towel, followed by a damp (not wet) towel. Dry the area thoroughly after. This should be sufficient to remove all the dust and dirt buildup on the screen. It’s not recommended to use wet products to clean your TV screen.

This section will give you a step-by-step on how to clean your TV screen without damaging it. Before you start cleaning, always ensure your TV is unplugged to avoid electrical damage. 

Wipe Off the Dust

You can use a soft, dry microfiber cloth to wipe any dust and smudge marks off your television screen. Always use circular motions and never press too hard

Bear in mind that television screens are delicate and sensitive. Any increased force applied will negatively impact the screen material, which leads to impaired views and, eventually, malfunction. 

Clean Stubborn Dirt With a Damp Cloth

You can use another microfiber cloth for this step. Ensure that it is only slightly damp and never wet since a wet cloth can risk electrical damage. Additionally, only use water to dampen the cloth since using a product like Windex is detrimental to your TV.

Use the same circular motion to clean your screen for this step, making sure not to press too hard. 

Dry Off Your TV

Using a dry microfiber cloth, gently dry your screen. This should be sufficient to clean your TV screen, and you shouldn’t need to employ the efforts of a chemical product like Windex to get the job done. 

Before turning your TV back on, ensure the screen and the edges are fully dry. 

What Is the Best Thing To Clean the TV With?

The best thing to clean a TV with is soft, microfiber cloths and water. Using chemical products isn’t advised, but there are plenty of specialized TV cleaners out there that you can use if you want a deeper clean. If you’re very careful, you can also use alcohol (sparingly). 

Microfiber cloths are typically recommended since they aren’t abrasive and won’t scratch your screen. Additionally, you can use tap water to clean your TV, but distilled water is even better. Distilled water is water that has been screened to remove hard minerals and bacteria. If this is too picky for you, tap water should suffice.

A store-bought cleaning kit or cleaning solution for your television screen might also be an option if your TV manufacturer recommends this. Whatever you do, don’t use Windex to clean the TV.

What Should I Not Use for Cleaning My TV Screen?

To clean your TV screen, you shouldn’t use any material with an abrasive texture, such as paper towels, scouring pads, and powders. You also shouldn’t use products with benzene, acetone, and ammonia, such as window and glass cleaners like Windex.  

These items will leave scratch marks and blurred sections on your TV, impact your TV’s anti-glare coating, and eventually lead to permanent damage. Additionally, if you damage your TV with abrasive chemicals, you might even void your warranty. 

Though water and simple alcohol cleaning solutions are good when paired with the appropriate microfiber material, you should apply the liquid directly to the cloth and not the screen. 

Can I Use Paper Towels On My TV Screen? 

If you don’t have any microfiber cloths on hand, you might wonder what else you can use. You might think paper towels will work fine on your screen, but this isn’t a good idea.

You shouldn’t use paper towels on your TV screen. These will inevitably scratch your screen since paper towels are usually made with small, abrasive bumps that will just spread dust around the screen rather than wiping it off.

On the other hand, soft tissue paper might work fine as a replacement for microfiber towels. If the tissue doesn’t have any indentations or abrasions, then if you are careful and don’t press too hard, this is a good substitute. 

Remember never to use a rough sponge, such as a dishwashing sponge, to clean your TV screen. 

Final Thoughts

Cleaning agents made for glassware and windows that contain acetone and ammonia will damage your television screen. This includes Windex and any cleanser that is of a similar makeup. It’s therefore not advised to clean your TV with Windex.

The best way to clean a TV is to use a  clean, soft, anti-static microfiber cloth. You should use a gentle, non-chemical cleaner – ideally, water will work just fine. Additionally, do not place abrasive materials (such as paper towels or rough sponges) on your TV screen, as this will cause damage to the quality of the screen.

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